HDR Critique

This article gave a lot of useful information about studio portraits. One of the things it went over was the tools needed to do a studio portrait. Such as the lighting is one of the most important parts of it. With this comes the light modifiers. these change the light sources colors and harshness. They can make light sources softer and change it to any color you want.

What is HDR

HDR literally means high dynamic range and is kind of what it sounds like. One of the key words is range because the biggest point is that it’s a picture with details even really far away. The kinds of pictures usually have really good cloud coverage as well.


I call this picture a bright mess. I think i definitely could’ve done better on it, but it does have some good parts. I think how the colors came out in the sky mostly is really good. I think how my own shadow was caught also added a lot. But one of the worst parts of it was probably how I edited the clouds in.